One of the great things about the advent of the Internet is the fact that no matter how much of an obsessed superfan you might think you are, there’s always someone even more driven to prove their fanhood. Someone has already compiled a list of every fake storefront shown on The Simpsons, there’s already a detailed episode guide for The State. This month’s YouTube clip is another testament to superfans with too much time on their hands.
I stumbled across this clip while doing research for an upcoming piece about movie car chases. I was trying to find a clip of the climactic chase from The Blue Brothers, but its sheer length and some protective copyright holders seem to have kept that off the service for now. Instead, I found this insane shot-for-shot remake of that film’s chase through the mall — done entirely in Lego.
The filmmakers lifted the audio track from the scene and then put together an exact remake, perfectly timed to the real soundtrack. Whether you’re a fan of The Blues Brothers, Lego, or just love seeing a crazy labor of love put on screen, you’ll get a kick out of this clip. Not much more to say about this one, except to get ready for some Lego mayhem!
holy cow