To Write a Terza Rima

DA1Introduced to the world by nefarious Italian poet Dante, the terza rima format had long been considered a somewhat out-of-vogue style of poetry. That all changed in 2009, when fun-loving rapper Lil’ Wayne released the album Write a Terza Rime…Or Die Tryin’. Ever since, writing pithy poems in the antiquated terza rima style has become a favorite pastime of everyone from urban youth to country elders. The following terza rima was my entry into the 2015 Pan-American Terza Rima Poem-Off. I placed second, and won a lovely ribbon.

To write a terza rima is not so easy
Slippery rhyme scheme rules to follow
Like catching a pig with hands too greasy

Or convincing Lamont not to hang with Rollo
It’s a tricky proposition, to be sure
A rhyme scheme that’s awfully hard to swallow

From the coast of Italia to Kuala Lumpur
Folks have tried and failed to write this style
Although some might say it’s quite obscure

Terza rimas can be as much fun as Gomer Pyle
On a three-day pass at Petticoat Junction
Listening to bootlegs of the Beach Boys’ “Smile”

So let’s proceed with no compunction
And then go attend a poetry function


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